Complete video tutorial
Step 2 – Register to Tube Sites (auto and manual profile creation on tube sites)
Registering (profile creation) has never been easier.
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14. This is the next step, REGISTER. First, we select a group of tube sites and then create profiles on these sites either automatically or manually. The software is designed to minimize the effort and makes this step very rapid – essentially you have a profile including all your data created on hundreds of tube sites in seconds. If done manually, this would take you several days, now it’s a matter of seconds. PLAY TUTORIALS NOW!
First, click on SET ACCOUNT. There are two possibilities:
1. If you already have any logins and passwords for some of the tube sites which are included in our database, you can visit these sites now. (If you choose not to set the accounts a new profile will be created on those sites using the information you provided earlier in the Profile step).
15 … once the set-up is done:
Clear/Delete – a new profile will be created on the tube site
Pending – a profile has been sent to or created on the tube site
Approved – the profile was created and confirmed
Declined – the profile was rejected or cancelled
These status flags will be explained later.
For now we just see they are there….
The whole process is rapid and simple… I select the tube sites in the database and click on set account…
16. If you use the same login and password for several tube sites, you can easily set them up like this…
17. Here you see that the login and password were set up for each of the tube sites you selected. No new profiles will be created on these sites and TSS will bypass them at the next submit (registration to tubes).
18. Now I’ll create profiles on those tubes where I have no Profile yet.
On registering to tubes I have to say that you could create profiles in all of the tube sites at once if you select –all- in Category, but this is often unnecessary, because these tubes are sorted in the database according to their rules and the categories they accept. So in case you work with or target the amateur or bondage or any other specific category, select just the one that is your primary focus. There is little point in having 400 profiles when you really only upload videos to about 230 tubes which carry your category.
Today, I will be uploading a video in the AMATEUR category, so I only want to create a profile on those tube sites which accept amateur videos.
19. Choose your category
20 … and click Select which highlights all the tube sites where your new profile will be created.
21. here you see that the sites are selected.
22. now I’m going to set the number of threads, in my case 10, which means that profiles will be created on 10 tube sites at the same time.
23. I am selecting the number of open windows for manual registration
24. and I click the Start button… auto registration begins.
25. this is where you see auto registration in action…
26. and here we are getting the results
27. in a couple of minutes the auto process finishes and we’ll look at how to do manual registration, it’s also very easy…
28. Click on the Start button to bring up a window which allows us to manually create a profile on the tube site
29. Here you see manual registration to tubes. The window opens a form and pre-fills it with your data. Then the CAPTCHA is solved. This requires some patience because CAPTCHA recognition may take up to half a minute. For some tube sites you have to fill out some data manually whenever TSS parameters are missing which means you should check the info being entered and correct any mistakes or missing information.
30. this is where we see a confirmation that the profile was created correctly
Now I’m going to set the status of this tube to Approved
31. here you se that the tube is set up and ready for upload.
32. you can change this status anytime in the future…
33. As soon as auto registration (automatic creation of profiles on tube sites) completes and as soon as we finish manual registration to tube sites we need to confirm the confirmation links which have been sent to the e-mail address entered in step one (Profile). You can confirm these e-mails or use Chameleon Confirmer which confirms hundreds of confirmation links for you in seconds.
I am going to use Chameleon Confirmer…
If you fail to click on the confirmation link you will not be able to use your profile at the tube site (either you won’t be able to login using your password or video uploads will be disabled). Therefore we recommend you to pay particular attention to this step.
When going through the e-mails note which sites accepted your registration and set their status by clicking on the SET ACCOUNT button.
34. here you see the confirmation e-mails which will automatically be confirmed by Chameleon Confirmer
35. this is where you see that the confirmation e-mail sent by the tube site was successfully confirmed (e-mails flagged by a green envelope).
36. the confirmation e-mail has been confirmed and now I set the tube site to approved so I can upload videos to it
37. I am changing the status from Pending to Approved
Right after a profile is created on a tube site those sites which returned a Request Sent result are flagged as Pending, i.e. unless you change the status to Approved these sites will not be generated for upload. It is therefore crucial to set these sites up properly, check the e-mails or even log in to these tubes to check whether your login and password are active!
38. my tube site was set to Approved
39. Status changes can be done on a group of sites… just select more sites and check Approved
40. Now that I have created profiles on tube sites I can proceed to the next step where I fill in the info about the video I am about to upload
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